Manapan are extremely proud of our longstanding partnership with Ramvek.

From its inception by dual founder Mark White, the formula has been quite simple; Manapan creates and Ramvek supports.

Ramvek has been the reliable friend on the journey from the start, providing the logistical framework as a key partner. This fruitful relationship allows the creators at Manapan to focus on what they do best, creating world class pieces of indigenous inspired furniture, all the while knowing that they have a highly respected operator in Ramvek providing the key services of material procurement, inspections ,delivery and installation to the highest standard.

This synergy with Ramvek also acts as an important gateway for the Manapan staff, providing crucial exposure and training to modern joinery factory techniques and processes. Manapan staff regularly visit the Ramvek facility in Melbourne where the Ramvek staff have always happily donated their time & resources to ensure these inspired pieces receive worlds best practice attention. Its because of this we can confidently say that Ramvek is a valued partner of Manapan.


The Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation