Manapan In The Smith Journal


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Smith Journal is a quarterly, Australia-based publication that takes unexpected, interesting, funny and sometimes complicated stories and tells them the way you would to a bunch of friends at the pub. The minds behind Smith wanted to create something they'd be happy to read themselves. That smart, creative people could peruse without shame, slap down on the coffee table, whack in their favourite old satchel or display proudly on the toilet reading rack. A mag that looked really good, but had substance, wit and inspiration. Smith isn't obsessed with the latest stuff or being first in line. While it does keep an eye on what's current, it's much more intrigued by things that stand the test of time. Smith isn't about being nostalgic. Admittedly, it does love plenty of things from the past but knows that nostalgia can be toxic, so it's constantly looking toward the future too. Smith isn't about creating a divide between makers and thinkers, because it understands that to build anything you need your hands as well as your mind. Smith isn't about being clever. It happily confesses to knowing nothing, but considers that a positive, because it means it's fascinated by everything.


PRESS RELEASE: Manapan Heads to Milan


Manapan Furniture Featured In The Sydney Morning Herald